Christopher Boyce

Christopher Boyce

Once a #happiness academic researcher with low happiness. Gave that up to cycle to Bhutan via S.America. I was there but now I'm here, here, and here. #AdventuresInHappiness #Wellbeing #CycleToBhutan

Adventures in Happiness - Where am I now and where have I been?

October 2017 - March 2019  •  509 days  •  18 525 km (see details)

Here you can find a map of my journey so far. Click on the link and it'll take you to a nice map. I have been researching happiness and well-being for the last 10 years and decided to quit my job to begin a cycle to Bhutan from South America (up the west coast of the Americas and then hopefully I’ll take a boat over to Asia). However, it is not really about Bhutan. My choice to have Bhutan as a destination is mostly symbolic, to remind me of that I’m travelling to share and create happiness as I go. It not about the destination, it rarely ever is – it’s about the journey, it’s about the process. My experience has taught me that the achievement of a goal rarely gives the satisfaction I think it will – what is more important is whether I enjoyed how I got wherever I get to, and whether I learnt something about myself along the way, regardless of whether I achieved what I thought I wanted to or not. I am writing a blog about my "Adventures in Happiness" which you can follow here -